We are providing quality reporting that focuses on progress and possibility. Owned by our readers and journalists worldwide, Positive News is also the first global media cooperative financed through crowdfunding. As a magazine and a movement, we are changing the news for good.

Media has a powerful influence on our world. We believe excessive negativity in the press is destructive for society, so instead we are working to create a more constructive and compassionate media.

The news can only ever capture a tiny fragment of reality, and it tends to focus on humanity at its worse. Positive News helps you see the bigger picture, keeping you informed without leaving you feeling cynical and hopeless. Be informed, be inspired.

Drama, blame and conflict-focused news stories can often divide us, but positive news stories can foster a sense of community.

Research has shown that negative news can lead to mental health problems, while positive news can boost your wellbeing.

This information comes from the website of Positive News.


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