by GaiaInnovations | Nov 16, 2021
It is as though we live in two separate worlds, two parallel universes simultaneously. One is the world of mortal goings on, the other a realm of eternal spirit. The first is perceived with the physical senses, while the other is not.
No one needs to be told that the former is discombobulating quickly, from climate change to collapse of social and political systems, to international tensions and more. It is a realm of increasing hardship for many, and staggering collective challenges.
The spiritual world is known with the heart yet not perceived with the senses. It beckons us, like an ancient melody which we hear although we can’t hear, that never completely goes away. We long for it as though for a home to which we all long to return. The source of all our existential angst is this spiritual longing to go home.
Today, the world is so tired and weary. There is an exhaustion that permeates not only our civilization but seemingly others as well. We have so descacralized our planet that is hard to find meaning here. Too many don’t remember where we came from, who we are, or what we’re doing here. And without a sense of higher purpose, it’s impossible to achieve inner peace.
Our biggest problem, perceived by many, is that this cannot continue. The situation is untenable. It’s as though our global civilization is having a collective nervous breakdown, an identity crisis, as humanity as a whole seems to have lost its connection to a moral universe. Created in love, we have become masters at lovelessness. Those standing for the most sacred values are trampled on by soulless powers. The most basic principles of right living are treated like they don’t even matter.
Read the rest of the article in TRANSFORM with Marianne Williamson.
by GaiaInnovations | Feb 15, 2021
The Project
First, to support people in moving beyond denial and distraction to a realistic understanding and deepening relationship with the profound challenges and opportunities now present in the world. Second, to foster a robust conversation and inquiry about our world in great transition that includes a whole-systems view that is wide, deep, and long.
Communication is the lifeblood of civilization. Growing the understanding and conversation about our common future is a team effort. Each person has unique opportunities to grow this conversation with friends, family, and colleagues: Educators can bring this to the classrooms. Businesses can bring this to their strategic planning. Film-makers can bring this to the screen. Spiritual leaders can bring this to their congregations. Time is short, it’s time to wake up and work together to create a more just, sustainable, and purposeful world.
We bring three perspectives to this work:
Wide — We look beyond single-issue trends like climate change to include the many other important trends such as species extinction, population growth, racial, gender and wealth divides, resource depletion, unsustainable consumption, and more.
Deep — We look beneath the surface of life to explore an emergent, relational consciousness that embraces the aliveness of the universe and interconnection of all of existence. We include the spiritual and cultural dimensions, values and worldview.
Long — We look into the deep future to explore how life might unfold over the course of a half century, recognizing our choices impact generations to come.

Choosing Earth takes us on a journey that extends a half-century into the future to explore our world in a time of unprecedented transition. Based on exhaustive research, Choosing Earth offers a whole-systems view of the converging adversity trends facing humanity and three major scenarios for the future that are most likely to emerge from these powerful trends. By illuminating deep psychological, spiritual and scientific changes that are already underway, it offers hope for the emergence of a mature, planetary civilization beyond our times of crisis. Based on a lifetime of research and a decade of community organizing by the author, Choosing Earth is an unvarnished look at the reality of our world in crisis and an invitation for us to actively shape our future rather than be passive victims of denial and delay.
This information comes from the website of Choosing Earth.
by GaiaInnovations | Jan 2, 2017
The World needs a New Story
Stories are powerful. They shape our reality. Our society’s outdated stories are destroying the planet we love.
Weaving history and psychology, science and indigenous wisdom into an epic story of life on this planet and beyond, Human Earth Awakening tells how humanity woke up from the trance of Empire, stopped fighting and created a happy healthy planet.
Human Earth Awakening transforms “his/story” into a “his & her story” that includes the global voices of men and women, native peoples and Mother Earth herself.
In these challenging times of social unrest, eco-catastrophe and spiritual crisis, it resurrects an ageless vision of love and peace.
Human Earth Awakening is a mythic adventure where past, present and future collide and we have one last chance to heal our planet.
This story came to us at a time when we had run out of stories to believe in. It changed our lives and inspired us with an uplifting vision of the future.
We hope this story resonates in your heart and contributes to the awakening of a Human Earth!
About Human Earth Awakening
On a stormy spring day, all the nations of the world are called to an emergency meeting at the UN. Climate change is wreaking havoc and the world is on the brink of World War III. Delegates from hostile countries shout threats and shove each other. The General Assembly quickly descends into chaos.
Suddenly twin beams of light flash into the Great Hall. Everyone falls silent and stares transfixed as two mythic figures materialize.
Sky-Grandmother and Sky-Grandfather, humanity’s Sky Elders, have returned to guide their descendants at this crucial moment in their history.
Time hangs suspended as the Sky Elders take the UN people on a journey back to their forgotten origins as one family. The Elders reveal their startling evolutionary destiny — the creation of a Human Earth. But before that can happen, humanity must face the challenge of a fast-approaching cosmic apocalypse. In a climactic, consciousness-changing moment, the UN people realize that their personal lives and the life of the planet are one.
To read more, download your free illustrated copy of Human Earth Awakening.
This information comes from the website of Human Earth Awakening.