100% renewable by 2030 – the tidal opportunity

100% renewable by 2030 – the tidal opportunity


In the Faroe Islands, Minesto is part of one of the world’s most ambitious energy transition schemes – to reach 100% renewable energy by 2030. Collaborating with local electric utility company SEV, Minesto is working to pave the way for tidal energy to become a core part of the Faroese energy mix. Minesto and SEV have a collaboration agreement including a power purchase agreement, through which SEV commits to purchase the electricity generated by Minesto’s tidal kite systems.

This information comes from the website of Minesto.



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Damanhur is a living laboratory for the Future, a Federation of spiritual communities, and a worldwide movement that inspires the lives of thousands of people committed to leaving a positive mark on the world.

The six hundred citizens who live there have created a multilingual society, open to exchanges with the world and the different cultures of peoples. Many other Damanhurians live worldwide and support the Federation’s ideals and projects.

Damanhur was founded from the inspiration of Falco Tarassaco, Oberto Airaudi (1950-2013). His enlightened and pragmatic vision, shared by many others, created a fertile reality based on solidarity, sharing, art and culture, mutual love, and respect for Life and every being.

This information comes from the website of Damanhur.

Former Manchester coal plant to house world’s largest battery storage project

Former Manchester coal plant to house world’s largest battery storage project


UK based energy development company Carlton Power has taken an important next step in building what is being touted as the world’s largest battery energy storage project, a 1040MW/2080MWh installation at the site of a former coal-fired power plant.

Carlton Power says it has received planning permission from Trafford Council in Greater Manchester, and -subject to a final investment decision – will build the massive batter at the Trafford Low Carbon Energy Park, no far from the famous Old Trafford home ground of football giants Manchester United.

This information comes from the website of Renew Economy.


World’s first thermal energy storage

World’s first thermal energy storage


Brenmiller Energy provides sustainable thermal energy storage solutions. Green heat storage that enables renewable and clean energy in industry, residences, and power plants.

bGen™ is a patented high-temperature thermal energy storage unit stored in solid state material [crushed rocks]. Charged electrically or thermally and delivers steam or hot air on demand.​ This sustainable TES technology enables emission reduction for power plants, industrial and commercial facilities.

This information comes from the website of Brenmiller Energy.


Telosa – Creating a more equitable and sustainable future

Telosa – Creating a more equitable and sustainable future

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Telosa aims to create a new city in America that sets a global standard for urban living, expands human potential, and becomes a blueprint for future generations.

We believe in a safe and welcoming community that freely exchanges ideas and information to build accountability, competency, authenticity, and trust.
We believe people should have equal access to opportunity and share in the prosperity that they help create.
We believe everyone is an important and valued member of the community and their voice should be heard, contributing to new possibilities.

This information comes from the website of TELOSA.

Nottingham to lead the way in city-centre regeneration

Nottingham to lead the way in city-centre regeneration

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Heatherwick Studio has revealed plans to use the remains of the half-demolished 1970s Broadmarsh shopping mall as part of its post-pandemic vision for Nottingham city centre

The proposals by Thomas Heatherwick’s practice for the long-troubled 8ha plot feature a major ‘green space which will permeate the whole site and weave in and out of the [centre’s] frame’.

The vision, drawn up with socially responsible development company Stories, also includes 750 new homes in the shadow of Nottingham Castle, recreating ‘lost street connections’, the overhaul of the city’s cave network, the transformation of the existing Severns House into a hotel and 37,000m² of office and conference space.

The concept, which received initial backing from Nottingham City Council today (7 December), has been billed as a ‘once in many generations’ opportunity for Nottingham to ‘lead the way in city-centre regeneration following the impacts of Covid-19 and online retailing’.


Read the whole article in Architects’ Journal.




China is Building Sponge Cities to Fix Its Flood Problem

China is Building Sponge Cities to Fix Its Flood Problem

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Once a largely rural country, China now has more than 100 cities with populations of over a million people, and all that building on former farmland has led to a major downside, flooding. But instead of constructing big barriers like others have done, China is turning back to nature for the solution, upgrading its cities so that they welcome the water rather than hold it back.



Pipistrel nears launch of new hydrogen-powered 19-seater

Pipistrel nears launch of new hydrogen-powered 19-seater

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Slovenia’s Pipistrel Aircraft, best known for its range of lightweight two-seaters, is nearing the launch of a new hydrogen fuel-cell- and battery-powered 19-seat hybrid that it hopes will revolutionise the commuter-category segment.

Dubbed the “Miniliner”, the aircraft could enter service by 2030, the company says, and will offer a substantial cut in operating costs against current designs.

Pipstrel says the Miniliner will be able to perform short point-to-point services between cities, boosting connectivity for underserved locations, or what it calls “microfeeder” flights into bigger hubs.

Power from the fuel cells will be sufficient for most departures, but batteries are provided to boost short-field performance, allowing departures from runways down to 800m (2,620ft). This, it says, will allow access to 80% of Europe’s airports.

While Pipistrel sees the optimum flight length as between 160-215nm (300-400km), the Miniliner will be able to fly for around 1,000nm on a single tank of liquid hydrogen.

Read the whole article in FlightGlobal.

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