Humanity’s Team, a global spiritual movement
Humanity’s Team is a global spiritual movement whose purpose is to embody the timeless truth of Oneness, which is essential for responding to the world’s most chronic and acute challenges, and vital for creating a sustainable world of peace and harmony. We believe Oneness is the energy of love that lies within and connects all of life, allowing us to recognize ourselves in everything. Supported by our profound respect for cultural diversity and responsibility for all of life, we pledge to transform the face of humanity in one generation through living our lives with purpose, each being a loving presence, developing heart-centered personal transformation and leadership programs, and the mindful use of the 5 Steps to Peace.
We in Humanity’s Team see a healing truth in who we are — a truth that heals ourselves, our relationships, our communities and our world. We see that we are all part of the Divine and one with all of life.
This is not a new idea. Prophets, messengers, saints and sages have shared this message since the beginning of time. It is shared in the Indian Vedas, in the Old and New Testaments, in most other sacred texts. Oneness is also a hypothesis by quantum physicists and other scientists who say life is a unified whole with multiple dimensions, each complementing the other.
We Are All One is the one idea that truly changes everything. When we see the Divine and Self in each other, we cannot help but nurture, love and support the other. When we embrace and embody our Oneness, we naturally care for the other person, place or thing. The Divine and Self are in all of the other, so nothing is left out…
This information comes from the website of Humanity’s Team.
Watch this video from 2013 about supporting Humanity’s Team through their Indiegogo campaign.