Atlas of the Future – democratise the future

Atlas of the Future – democratise the future

Atlas of the Future is an online resource mapping innovative, future-focused, socially impactful projects and people around the world. Our mission is to ‘democratise the future’. This means making sure developments are understandable and entertaining – not just in science and tech, politics or culture, urban planning or education, arts and design – but stories in every area of human activity.

We are not a large group, just concerned citizens who believe everyone should have a share in the way the world will be.

It is true that we face daunting problems and that our obsession with the short‐term has caused a global financial crisis and created environmental disasters. But it is because we believe in the future that we are optimistic. ‘Optimism is a strategy for making a better future,’ says the American intellectual and activist Noam Chomsky. ‘Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.’

If you agree, then help us make it so by bringing together the most ambitious and inspiring projects for the future in one place. It can be your own project or someone else’s. It might be a technological innovation, an environmental advance, a medical breakthrough or an ambitious social programme. We don’t mind. As long as it is an innovation for the greater good, then please share it with the Atlas of the Future.

This information comes from the website of Atlas of the Future.

Sustainia – Building the world of tomorrow

Sustainia – Building the world of tomorrow

Sustainia is a think tank and consultancy headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. We identify readily available sustainability solutions across the world and demonstrate their potential impacts and benefits in our work with cities, companies, and communities.

By focusing on innovative breakthroughs, inspiring alternatives and new opportunities, Sustainia is shaping a new narrative of optimism and hope for a sustainable future that seeks to motivate instead of scaring people with gloom and doomsday scenarios.

With Sustainia, we are creating a vision of what a sustainable future could look like. Not a Utopia or distant dream. By building scenarios where available solutions, innovation and technologies are implemented at large scale, Sustainia shows the exciting sustainable societies we could live in.

This information comes from the website of Sustainia.

Low-carbon success stories to inspire

Low-carbon success stories to inspire

Proven low-carbon solutions available for countries to choose from. See the solutions here.

The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra has teamed up in 2016 with the Nordic Council of Ministers and distinguished institutions from all the Nordic countries to answer a simple question: how far could we go simply by scaling up already proven Nordic low-carbon solutions? The Green to Scale project has combined innovative analysis with active communication.



15 Nordic solutions can cut 4 gigatons of global emissions

15 Nordic solutions can cut 4 gigatons of global emissions

By scaling up just 15 proven Nordic solutions, countries all over the world can save 4 Gt of emissions every year by 2030 which is as much as the EU produces today. The costs for this scale-up equal the amount spent in just 9 days on fossil fuel subsidies.

These results come from the Nordic Green to Scale study which was launched during the UN Climate Conference in Marrakech.

Check out all the 15 solutions here.

The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra has partnered with the Nordic Council of Ministers and distinguished institutions from all Nordic countries to answer a simple question: how far could we go simply by scaling up existing Nordic low-carbon solutions to a level of adoption in 2030 that has already been achieved by one or more Nordic countries today…

Read the whole article by Christian Bjørnæs in CICERO.

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