

Damanhur is a living laboratory for the Future, a Federation of spiritual communities, and a worldwide movement that inspires the lives of thousands of people committed to leaving a positive mark on the world.

The six hundred citizens who live there have created a multilingual society, open to exchanges with the world and the different cultures of peoples. Many other Damanhurians live worldwide and support the Federation’s ideals and projects.

Damanhur was founded from the inspiration of Falco Tarassaco, Oberto Airaudi (1950-2013). His enlightened and pragmatic vision, shared by many others, created a fertile reality based on solidarity, sharing, art and culture, mutual love, and respect for Life and every being.

This information comes from the website of Damanhur.

The End of Alzheimer’s

The End of Alzheimer’s

“Alzheimer’s is not a simple disease”, says Bredesen. He refers to the fact that, a hundred years ago, people were dying from “simple illnesses”. Most of these diseases—tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia, hepatitis, etc.—were infectious. Such illnesses are caused by one organism. There is one bacterium, virus, or parasite which is the target. Bredesen: “The great success of 20th century medicine is that between public health policies and antibiotics most of these diseases have been conquered.”

Today, people die from “complex chronic degenerative illnesses”: cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more. In these diseases, cells and organs increasingly deteriorate and die over time. “The problem is that we use the same strategy to treat these diseases as we have successfully used with the simple infectious diseases,” says Bredesen. Conventional medicine is searching for one drug to cure Alzheimer’s—a degenerative disease that is caused by lifestyle and environmental circumstances in which many different factors play a role.

Read the whole article in The End of Alzheimer’s in Apollo Health.


‘I Love Life’: Why These People Claim to Be the First Survivors of Alzheimer’s Disease

CBN’s health correspondent interviewed Dr. Dale Bredesen and two of the seven survivors featured in his new book “The First Survivors of Alzheimer’s.” In the article ‘I Love Life’: Why These People Claim to Be the First Survivors of Alzheimer’s Disease, Julie and Sally discussed their successful battle against Alzheimer’s despite a sense of hopelessness after diagnosis. Their realization, that they could do something, led to a search for solutions. They ultimately discovered Dr. Bredesen and his protocol for preventing and reversing cognitive decline. This led to the reversal of their symptoms and prevented further deterioration, vastly improving their quality of life and overall health.

This information comes from the website of Apollo Health.

Watch the full interview here:



KAMP SOLUTIONS presents solutions journalism

KAMP SOLUTIONS presents solutions journalism

In a world where problems consistently dominate the news headline, Kamp Solutions stands out with a complete focus on solutions.

A magazine with a simple mission: fast-tracking solutions for people and planet. Because stories drive innovation and solve problems.

Kamp’s special reports have profiled many fascinating people including the first pioneers who built bridges between ancient traditions to modern medicine. His interviews with world leaders from all walks of life are a chronicle of his “scoop” interviews. Pioneers that include Sir Richard Branson, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Deepak Chopra, Rosamund Stone Zander, Johan Rockstrom, among many others.

This information comes from the website of KAMP SOLUTIONS.

Seaweed is gaining importance as a source of human food

Seaweed is gaining importance as a source of human food

Seaweed is gaining importance as a source of human food, animal feed and health products, and in addition, have wide ranging industrial applications. Seaweed can grow faster than any land plant and requires neither fresh water, nor fertilization for cultivation.

As food, one can compare seaweed and kelp with fruits and vegetables. The different sea vegetables have many different flavors, characteristics, textures and colors, and differ from each other in the same way as apples, pumpkins and herbs.

This information comes from the website of Norwegian Seaweed Association.

Auroville – World’s First Moneyless City

Auroville – World’s First Moneyless City

Auroville – also known as the “City of the Dawn” – is an international city in South India founded in 1968. Currently, it has 2,800 citizens from 54 countries, with the capacity to grow to 50,000 citizens.

Auroville is a “collective experiment in human unity” based on the worldview of Indian yogi Sri Aurobindo. The idea is if people from all cultures and castes can learn love each other in Auroville, maybe the rest of the world can follow suit.

The township was created with support from the Indian government, UNESCO and well-wishers around the world, but is becoming more and more self-sufficient over time.

In Auroville there is no individual ownerhip of land, housing or businesses. Everyone is given a basic living “maintenance,” whether they work for one of the commercial units, doing community service or are unable to work.

When they go to the store, they take what they need, tell the clerk their account number and it’s deducted from the Central Fund.

It’s an economy designed to serve humanity, rather than the other way around, Aurovillians say.

“We give our work, and we are given what we need,” says citizen Jean-Yves Lung in the documentary below. “It’s very simple. If you give your work, and you are happy to give it, you don’t need money to evaluate the quality of your giving. We can still be productive, creative, innovative, and what happens is people discover that they feel better. We take what we need and that’s it.”

Read the whole article by Sara Burrows in Return to Now.



Basic income and why it is a good idea.

Basic income and why it is a good idea.

“Ideas can and do change the world,” says historian Rutger Bregman, sharing his case for a provocative one: guaranteed basic income. Learn more about the idea’s 500-year history and a forgotten modern experiment where it actually worked — and imagine how much energy and talent we would unleash if we got rid of poverty once and for all.

This information comes from the TED Talk by Rutger Bregman.

For more information about Rutger Bregman visit his website.

The Findhorn Foundation – a living model for the future

The Findhorn Foundation – a living model for the future

A spiritual community, an ecovillage and a learning centre – a unique laboratory for change.

The Findhorn Foundation is a dynamic experiment where everyday life is guided by the inner voice of spirit, where we work in co-creation with the intelligence of nature and take inspired action towards our vision of a better world. We share our learning and way of life in experiential workshops, conferences and events that take place within a thriving community and ecovillage.

The Foundation has two main sites. The Park, nestled amidst dunes and forest, bay and beach, is an ecovillage that is home to many of our staff and a larger community of people living with shared values. Cluny Hill is a stately Victorian former hotel, five miles away from The Park, which houses staff and welcomes participants in our workshops and events. Our retreat house on the island of Iona, and the satellite community on the neighbouring island of Erraid, also welcome participants for life-changing experiences on the wild, wind-swept west coast of Scotland.

The Findhorn Foundation is an NGO associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information, holder of UN Habitat Best Practice designation and is co-founder of the Global Ecovillage Network and Holistic Centres Network. The Foundation is at the heart of a community of more than 500 people who every day support and live the vision of creating a better world by starting with themselves.

This information comes from the website of The Findhorn Foundation.

How to end homelessness — for good

How to end homelessness — for good

During a balmy 60ºF December morning, Rene Zepeda is driving a Volunteers of America minivan through Salt Lake City, Utah, looking for the homeless who may be camping by the railroad tracks or over by the river, sometimes in the foothills. Cold weather is on its way, so the van is packed with sleeping bags, thermal clothing, coats, sock, boots, hats, protein bars, nutrition drinks and canned goods. According to Rene, once the day is finished, everything will be gone. “I want to get them into homes,” he says. “I tell them, ‘I’m working for you. I want to get you out of the homeless situation.’”

Rene works for a program called Housing First. It has decreased the number of homeless by an extraordinary 72% — mainly by providing permanent free housing. Critics bemoan the expense, but once the numbers were thoroughly crunched, it was discovered the program actually costs the state far less than if people were left on the street. Moreover, in a nation where a large proportion of the homeless population are military veterans, adopting such a program is not only a social or financial imperative but a moral one…

Read the whole article by Carolanne Wright in Wake up world.

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